Tuesday, November 3, 2009


There is so much conspiracy around Tupac’s death; I honestly believe he’s truly dead. Why would he fake his death? And all of the “proof” people say they have is never accurate or factual whatsoever. I'm a huge Tupac fan, and when I ask the question “Biggie or Tupac?” I often get Biggie responses and just shake my head. It's not that I don't like Biggie, believe me he's amazing but Tupac brings something so much more to the table and his ideas have so much more meaning behind them, for me at least. One of my entire walls is decorated with Tupac pictures and poems. I have over 200 songs and counting as well as his book of poems called The Rose That Grew From Concrete. He has a song called Changes, Until the end of time, California love (hence my California blog), Do for love; all of which have so much meaning to them as well as the additional fact that the beats are awesome. Some of the ideas that he has come up with are so simple, but the way he states them in his lyrics or in his poems make you look at that simple idea in a totally different way. I wish he were still alive; I would absolutely die to go to a Tupac concert, that’s one thing I would love to go back in time and do asap. I hope no one reading has anything against Tupac because he is literally one of my idols and he looked at life in a way only seriously intelligent and open-minded people can see it and I admire him for sharing his ideas through his music and poetry. For those of you who haven’t heard Tupac, ummmm yeah, but for those of you who hardly listen or don’t know too much stuff by or about him I seriously suggest that you download, or no, BUY some of his music and look up a poem or two of his. With some of his poetry you actually have to stop and really think to fully understand the meaning. Some of his poems I still don’t FULLY understand to this day, but each time I read them I try to find something new to interpret. And I’m sure a lot of you have heard his music, but next time you listen to one of his songs really HEAR it and listen to the lyrics word for word, some of what his says is extremely insightful. I definitely like to think a lot and I tend over think things way too often that is one of the main reasons I love him. Tupac makes me think with the ideas he has and the way he phrases them. I can tell that he had a mind somewhat like mine, that often wandered deep into so many different concepts about life, love and everything else that’s essential and meaningful to us.

1 comment:

  1. I also loveeeeeeeeee Tupac!! and what him makes him so appealing is how complex he was. he could put out gangsta music about how hard his life was but then make inspirational and political songs like "brenda's got a baby" and a "Keep your head up". i believe that there will never be anyone like him, no one will ever have the skills he possesed. alot of people try to imitate him but they will never be him. as i read your blog, it made me want to listen to Tupac and it has been a while since i listen to his music. it is actually relaxing me and helping me do my hw.
