Monday, September 21, 2009


Change has been an obvious and reoccurring thought in my head. Lately I've been dreading change, I was so used to summer. Hanging out with my friends from back home, the warm weather, beaches, concerts, and of corse NO CLASSES. Don't get me wrong I love Cortland to death but the transition from summer to school has been pretty difficult. One thing you have to realize when thinking about change and if its even necessary, is that its inevitable. No one can stop change, day by day something will become different from how it was yesterday. As you get older, the changes that occur usually gets bigger and thats probably why its more evident now that it ever was before. It's time to start thinking about what I want to do with my life, and thats a scary thought. Realizing I'm already a sophomore in college, when I just remember being a freshman in high school is hard but it's something we all have to deal with. I came across a quote the other day,
"If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it."
After reading this quote, I calmed down so much more. Things happen in life that you can't change, but thats no reason to shut out the world and to continue worrying because there are some things you simply can not control. When you do come across something like that, you need to just switch the way you think about it rather then stress over it. Instead of sitting in my room and missing class because I'm simply not used to going to class, why not go to class and try and look at things from a completely different perspective. Rather than get frustrated with the annoying lines for food and the lack of variety at neubig (especially on the ****ing weekends) why not open my taste buds to a new world and try something new.
Change is going to occur no matter what, and there is NOTHING anyone can do about it. So a new alternative to worrying about change, and not wanting it to happen, is letting it happen and looking at it from a completely different standpoint. Taking the negatives in life and creating positives. Everything happens for a reason, and we can't all be wanting to go back to childhood when our only issue was who got the last cookie. Things are changing and its just something everyone needs to accept, learn and grow from.